Stress in kids is not an avoidable subject anymore. Instead of asking them to brush it off, we parents need to learn the right tools in helping our kids deal with stress.

Kidz, these days, have so much on their plates that it can come to the verge of breaking. There can be multiple reasons for stress for a kid: school, academics, friends, social media, stress at home, etc. 

We live in times where stress and pressure are an ingrained part of the environment. No one is untouched by anxiety or worry, whether an adult or a child. Stress in kidz is an increasing worry among parents too. But with proper understanding and healthy tools, parents can play a critical role in helping their kidz navigate their stress and anxiety.

What is Stress?

Anything that happens beyond the comfort zone of kidz that makes them feel unsafe, insecure, scared, worried, or uncertain can cause them stress. In simpler words, any uncomfortable change in their otherwise stable world comes to them as unpredictable and can make them stressed.

While temporary stress might not be all bad, for example, a little rush can inspire the kidz to work hard for the assessment test. But if the stress becomes chronic, it can be harmful in more than one way. While long-term anxiety negatively affects your performance, it can also be bad for your health in the long run.

How to identify stress in children?

We live in volatile times where our surrounding environment undergoes drastic changes in a blink of an eye. Such changing and testing times can cause anxiety to anyone, and the kidz are not spared from the stress either.

While we grownups/ parents can identify the worry or fear building in our minds, kidz often are not emotionally equipped to identify what is troubling them, and often show the signs of stress as one or more of the following symptoms:

How to help your child deal with stress?

So now we know the probable signs a child might show, it is also essential to understand how we can make it easier for them.

Tips for parents when your child is stressed


Stress in current times is inevitable. Instead of trying to make a stress-free bubble for our kidz, we need to better equip ourselves as a parent in identifying, understanding, and handling the stress in kidz and help them learn the right tools to deal with stress, anxiety, or fear.

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